Decoration of Independence

Explore a world where time has crashed in on itself! In this American History adventure game, you take the roll as a history expert who is tasked by Father Time’s daughter to put the time-stream back together. In this game, you are answering questions from famous historical figures and returning lost mementos to Child Time so that the time-stream returns to normal. So what are you waiting for? Bust out those history books and get ready to take on an all new adventure in Decoration of Independence!

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This game is for Windows only!

Features List:

  • Help out Child Time, Father Time’s daughter, in a epic quest to restore time
  • Explore a vast world with over 10 different areas
  • Over 30 unique characters to meet
  • Help out famous historical figures like Rosie the Riveter, John Hancock, and Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Gather over 25+ unique items to help restore time stream back to normal
  • Over 30 history questions, each with their own accompanying quest, to complete
  • A master at American History, guaranteed!**

**this only applies if you try hard enough

Please follow this step-by-step process to download the game.

  1. Download WinRAR Archvie (If you don’t already have it installed)
  2. Download the Game File
  3. Install the RTP using the RTPSetup
  4. Download the .EXE file
  5. PLAY THE GAME :)!